It’s election day 2020 in America. We don’t know who will win in many of the races, big and small (and may not for some time). But we can get an inkling at who is most likely to vote for Joe Biden or Donald Trump based on their first names.
The New York Times published a report yesterday using name data from a poll they did with Siena College to determine which presidential candidate people were more likely to vote for. In a surprise to no one, Donalds preferred Trump. But in a twist, 57% of Karens went in for Joe Biden.
Also interesting in this poll, the 10 most common names of voters skewed to those born in the mid century. Along with perennial favorites James and Elizabeth, there were lots of Lindas, Karens, and Barbaras. These are names that were at their peak in the 1950s and 1960s. The one outlier was Jennifer, a very-80s name getting out the vote! (The article has info for 102 different names, however, so check out the article to see if your name features in the poll!)
Of names with more than 10 respondents, here were the names of people most likely to vote for each candidate:

Speaking of voting—if you haven’t already gone to the polls or voted by mail, GET OUT THERE AND VOTE, AMERICA! As long as you are in line by 8pm, you can vote.
And while you’re waiting in line to have your voice heard, or anxiously waiting for the results, you can kill some time with our list of presidential baby names. We don’t know who our next president will be, but we can look to the past for some great baby name inspiration!