It was back in February that Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott announced their second child’s name: Wolf Webster. The internet had its opinions as it tends to do with Kardashian/Jenner baby names. Some thought it was too wild (Wolf?! Like the animal?!), while others—like us—thought it was relatively tame (Wolfgang has a long history of […]
Talking Points
We’re Baaaaaack!

Hi! Remember us? It’s been a few months since our last post and we’re excited to be back in action. We’ve been working on something big and we can’t wait to share it with you. If you’re not already subscribed to our email list, please join so you’ll be the first to know when the […]
2020: The Year of the Karen

She is everywhere. She is inescapable. Who is she? She is KAREN, or rather, a Karen, a newly pejorative term that (usually) refers to a white woman who uses her privilege to demand things from others or to police others (wrongly; usually racial minorities) in their behavior. The name Karen is so ubiquitously used to […]
We’re One!

Today’s our birthday! Last April 17th, we published our first Ava to Zeke post. A year ago, we couldn’t have imagined where we are now (writing this post while quarantined in our homes, for one). In our year of life, we’ve grown up a lot, but we’re still toddling around with lots to learn. On […]
While You’re “Social Distancing”…

We never could’ve anticipated just a few weeks ago how much our lives would be upended by this pandemic. As mothers who are now working full time from home while homeschooling children, things are not easy, but we know how lucky we are to be doing much better than many, despite our exhaustion. For all […]
Our Top Posts of 2019… and our personal favorites

Happy NYE, friends! As 2019 comes to a close, we’re feeling proud of and humbled by what we’ve started here this year. And we’re excited about the year ahead! Sometimes it’s a mystery to us which posts get traction and which ones seem to fizzle away like the bubbles in a glass of champagne. So […]
Talking Points: Watchmen Edition

HBO’s Watchmen has slowly become both a ratings hit and a critical darling since it premiered on HBO 8 weeks ago. During its run thus far, it has shown remarkable care in its characterization, plotting, and treatment of the heavy issues at its center. This care is shown down to its smallest details: a blurry […]
Talking Points: Downton Abbey Edition

Happy Friday, friends! Well, it’s clear from last week’s Name vs. Name that you all have some opinions about Maeve and Mae! We’re fascinated that names can sound and look nearly identical and yet carry such different associations and meanings. And that’s what our Name vs. Name series is all about. We compare/contrast two names […]
Talking Points: Back-to-School Edition!

School Is Cool! School bells are ringing, and though none of our alma maters has particular baby name potential (being state schools), we have collegiate names on our mind. Some interesting choices: Creighton, Auburn, Baylor, Berkeley, Bryn (Mawr), Radcliffe, Xavier, Wesleyan, Nova, and Duke. Nameberry has a big list of collegiate names, ripe for inspiration. […]
A Boy Named Sue, Girls Named Ida, and Some Old Friends

In the United Kingdom, baby name data for 2017 just came out of the Office of National Statistics, and it’s showing that the UK is moving toward the same trends as in America. As we’re seeing here, UK parents are favoring “uniqueness” and being influenced by Game of Thrones (hi, Arya!) when selecting a baby […]